What Can You Do With an AS-T in Biology?

Transfer to a CSU or a UC — that’s what we designed it to do first. Your AS-T guarantees you admission into the CSU system and it’s guaranteed to count as the first two years of your four-year degree.

Choose your university major based on your career goal—heal people, protect ecosystems, understand why frog mutations are happening at faster and faster rates.

Most careers in the life sciences (biology!) require more than a two-year degree. Your AS-T in Biology is a great foundation for many STEM bachelor’s degrees. After your four-year degree, you may qualify for work in these careers:

  • Biologist
  • Ecologist
  • Zoologist
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Marine biologist
  • Migratory gamebird biologist
  • Conservation resources biologist
  • High school teacher

If you go on to graduate or professional school, you will be ready to start these careers, all built on your AS-T in Biology:

  • Research scientist
  • Physician assistant
  • Physician
  • Occupational therapist
  • Geneticist
  • Bioinformatics scientist
  • Biochemist
  • College professor

Other Transfer Paths: Plan & Go

Your CMC credits will transfer. The question is always “how.” After you’re admitted to your chosen school, they will tell you how your AS-T credits will apply to your four-year degree. Plan first — don’t be surprised. As you make CMC course selections, work closely with your CMC counselor and an advisor from the university you want to attend. Together, you can build a program of study that will transfer efficiently to your next school.

Go to Work

If you go to work right after Copper Mountain, you may qualify for entry-level technical work in conservation or agriculture:

  • Conservation technician
  • Forestry aide
  • Rangeland technician
  • Natural resources technician

Tackle Big Problems

Life on earth faces major challenges — pollution, climate change, extinction. When you take up the life sciences, you train yourself to be able to grasp these big problems. Science is a team sport, with many people working together to test solutions. Even if you’re looking through a microscope, set big goals — and go for them.

Biology AS-T: What to Expect

  • Completion Requirements
    • 32–33 units of required courses
    • 60 total units
    • Grade of “C” or higher in all required courses
    • 2.0 minimum GPA
  • Required Courses

    BI 005: Molecular and Cellular Biology | 3 units

    BI: 006: Biology of Organisms | 4 units

    CH 001A: General Chemistry | 5 units

    CH 001B: General Chemistry | 5 units

    MATH 001A: Calculus | 4 units


    PH 002A-B: College Physics | 8 units


    PH 004A-B: Physics for Scientists & Engineers | 8 units

  • What You Learn
    • How to use scientific methods to test hypotheses and apply findings
    • Best practices in biology, including ethical behavior and research standards
    • How to work with others to analyze collected data
    • How to write about and present your scientific findings

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Contact Admissions

Admissions & Records
300 Quad
6162 Rotary Way
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Phone: 760.366.5201 ext. 4232