Welcome to Copper Mountain College’s Career Services, your one-stop destination for all your career-related needs. We are here to support you with a wide range of resources to help you succeed in your career goals.
What is Career Services?
Career Services is your go-to resource for all things career-related. Whether you’re a student exploring potential career paths or an alum seeking job opportunities, Career Services is here to support you every step of the way.
What services does the Career Center provide?
- Job Search Assistance
- Resume Building
- Mock Job Interviews
- Career Exploration and Planning
- Internship Opportunities: Click here to fill out our internship inquiry form- https://www.cmccd.edu/current-students/internships/
- Networking with Employers
- Career Fair in Partnership with San Bernardino County
- Access to Computer Lab
- And Much More!
Job Information:
Jobspeaker: Activate your account on Copper Mountain College’s online job board.
- Students: Need a job? Activate your Jobspeaker account today!
- Employers: Post your job listings on Jobspeaker.
- To access Jobspeaker, click this link: cmc.jobspeaker.com
Employer Services
Thank you for your interest in recruiting Copper Mountain College students and alumni. We offer the following services:
- On-campus recruitment events (Hiring Fairs/ Career Fairs)
- Targeted recruitment and communication
- Online job board to advertise jobs and internships directly to our students.
- To access Jobspeaker, click this link: cmc.jobspeaker.com
Contact Information
Career Center
Copper Mountain College
6162 Rotary Way
Rm. 410
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
760.366.5201 ext. 5790
Heather Sanchez
Coordinator, Career Services
760.366.3791 ext. 5791
Analisa Pilecki
Program Assistant, Career Services
760.366.3791 ext. 5792