Stay informed with dates, information, and more so you can help your student as much as possible.
Your Student’s Success is Our Goal
College is an important life move
As the parent, guardian, or family member of a new student, you play an important role. Your continued support and guidance help them achieve their full potential and succeed as they move toward their next goal.
You should know that they are attending a school that is 100% committed to their success, and that includes you as well. Our counselors are here to help give you the support and information needed to guide them.
We’re honored to be a part of this journey, and we’d just like to say: Welcome to the Copper Mountain College family.
Tips for Support
Understand the application process and program options
Deciding on a college can be overwhelming, and applying even more so; however, we’re always here to help.
- Visit our admissions page to get all the information you need to apply.
- Look over the different degree programs we offer. Many offer a choice of location—online or on campus. This might be a good discussion point.
- If your loved one’s student’s long-term goal is a 4-year degree (or beyond), take a closer look at the degrees designed to transfer into the Cal State system.
- When your student has decided to attend Copper Mountain College (we had a good feeling about them), head over to the application to begin the process of becoming a Fighting Cacti.
- Questions? Contact our admissions team for any questions about the admissions process.
Apply for Financial Aid
If you’re a little lost, we are here to help! Paying for college doesn’t have to be a major stressor. Always apply for financial aid, even if you’re not sure you’ll qualify or if you have other concerns.
If you’re not sure where to start, we can point you in the right direction.
Between October 1 and June 30, apply for aid for the next school year:
- U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by June 30 for the fall.
- Undocumented residents should complete the California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
Not your student’s first semester here? They may be eligible for a scholarship from CMC, and we have info to help you find third-party scholarships.
Your biggest help? Our financial aid checklist.
Stay Up to Date
Great things are always happening at Copper Mountain College! Stay up to date with everything that’s going on and join us for unique opportunities year-round.
- Keep up to date with what’s happening at CMC’s news page.
- Join the fun with a Community Education class. Classes range from pet care to jewelry making, and everything in between.
- Attend a Board meeting and stay up to date with everything going on at CMC.
- Check out one of the games and cheer on the Fighting Cacti!
- Explore the desert and what it has to offer with a community of like-minded individuals.
- Check out the art gallery and see the phenomenal skills CMC art students have.
- Find out what’s going on at Copper Mountain with CMC’s Calendar.
- The campus Bookstore has textbooks, apparel, and more. Shop online for more convenience.
- The president’s line is always open to families of CMC students. Email the superintendent/president directly.
Stay Connected
It’s easy to stay connected! Keeping in contact with your student’s school and knowing what’s going on is important. If there’s something you still need help with, or just need some information, CMC is here to help!
- Our Contact page has all the details.
- Questions about the application process? Please contact the Admissions Office.
Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
According to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1976, if you are a parent of a CMC student, you do not have the right to access their academic records without their expressed written permission.
Your child may fill out the Release of Information form in order to allow you to access their records. They must fill out a form for each semester they attend CMC to grant you, their parent/guardian, access to their records.
The form is maintained in the Office of Student Services if you have any questions.
Contact Us
Financial Aid
For information about BOGW, Pell, loans, and scholarships.
Office of Student Services, 300 Quad
6162 Rotary Way
P.O. Box 1398
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Phone: 760.366.3791, ext. 4235
Fax: 760.366.5257