Stay informed with dates, information, and more so you can help your student as much as possible.

Your Student’s Success is Our Goal

College is an important life move

As the parent, guardian, or family member of a new student, you play an important role. Your continued support and guidance help them achieve their full potential and succeed as they move toward their next goal.

You should know that they are attending a school that is 100% committed to their success, and that includes you as well. Our counselors are here to help give you the support and information needed to guide them.

We’re honored to be a part of this journey, and we’d just like to say: Welcome to the Copper Mountain College family.

Tips for Support

Contact Us

Admissions & Records
300 Quad
6162 Rotary Way
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Phone: 760.366.5201 ext. 4232

Financial Aid 

For information about BOGW, Pell, loans, and scholarships. 

Office of Student Services, 300 Quad  
6162 Rotary Way  
P.O. Box 1398  
Joshua Tree, CA 92252  

Phone: 760.366.3791, ext. 4235  
Fax: 760.366.5257