We want you to make friends and lifelong memories at Copper Mountain College. CMC Student Clubs are a great way to meet other people with similar interests. Find out which club is right for you.
Forms for Clubs
Please be sure that all forms are filled out completely as well as having signatures prior to sending to the listed recipient.
- Student Clubs Activity Funds Request Form
- Email to icc@ascmc.cmccd.edu and cchastain@cmccd.edu
- This is used for requesting funds from the Student Clubs Activity Account
- Please attached documentation of cost with form
- Club Field Trip Packet
- Bring to CMC Cashier’s Office in the 300 quad
- Must be submitted 48 hours in advance for your planned field trip.
- Facilities Use Form
- Send to Crysa Ferro at cferro@cmccd.edu
- Fundraising Form
- First, send to the ASCMC President ascmcpresident@ascmc.cmccd.edu , mdanza@cmccd.edu ,& cchastain@cmccd.edu to be added to the ASCMC agenda for approval.
- Once approved and signed by the ASCMC Advisor; send to Foundation Executive Director Sandy Smith at ssmith@cmccd.edu & Foundation Executive Assistant Sara Hutson at shutson@cmccd.edu.
- Club Expenditure Form
- Send to Amber Coolbeth at acoolbeth@cmccd.edu
- This form is used to request funds from your club account
- Must attach meeting minutes approving the check amount.
- Club Signer Change Form
- Send to Chelsi Chastain at cchastain@cmccd.edu
- This is used to update the signing parties on an exsiting club account
- This form is used when a club has new officers
- Club Signer Form
- Send to Chelsi Chastain at cchastain@cmccd.edu
- This form is used to establish a club account on campus
* Please be sure to also include meeting minutes that state the spending has been approved by the club, ICC or ASCMC as appropriate.*
Student Club Information
Arts & Crafts Club
Whether you’re a practiced artist or you’ve never picked up a paintbrush, the Arts and Crafts Club is here to let you express yourself.
All Artists Welcome.
President: Kei Bjork
Arts & Crafts Advisor: Heather Jones
Vice President: Reed Dunphy
Secretary: Mari Hohlfeld
Treasurer: Janessa Mcandrews
When: Wednesdays 2 to 3pm
Where: Room 319 or 300 quad lawn
Email: artsandcraftsclub@ascmc.cmccd.edu
ASL Club
The ASL Club of Copper Mountain College
Providing support and opportunities for students who want to learn American Sign Language and increase their understanding of Deaf culture.
We meet to practice, learn, and socialize.
We attend local Deaf events and activities.
In Spring 2023, we held two Deaf Cafes, which are bake sale fundraisers and also an opportunity to teach other students some basic signs. We also attended the Deaf Nation event in Pasadena.
In Fall 2023, we have several fundraisers planned, as well as weekly meetings, movie screenings, and Coffee Chats. We will assist ICC in the Warm Up Winter drive for the needy in our community and we are updating our club constitution to reflect changes in technology and distance-learning students.
President: Lisa Hohlfeld
ASL Advisor:Thomas Hauser
Vice President: Reed Dunphy
Secretary: Birdie Beaston
Treasurer: Riley Cole
When: Wednesday 1:30-2:30 pm
Where: Room 102
Email: aslclub@ascmc.cmccd.edu
Everyone Welcome!
Auto Club
The Auto Club is open to all students interested in participating in activities that support and promote the Automotive Program at CMC.
President: Joshua Heard jjheard@student.cmccd.edu
Auto Club Advisor: Travis Hudgins
Vice President: Steve Oakes
Treasurer: Jessica Haines
Secretary: Jordan Willis
Where: Auto Shop – Room 402
When: Tuesday, 3-6 pm
Email: autoclub@ascmc.cmccd.edu
Gaming Club
Students interested in games and video games can find others of similar interests. Official meetings and coordination will be over discord to minimize the impact of limited student time. To become a member, simply attend two gaming events either online or on campus. E-mail our president or secretary for a discord invite.
This semester and beyond we will strive toward the following goal
- Collaborative with other clubs on campus.
- Raising funds to further the club’s activity options.
- Game options for anyone interested in having fun. People are encouraged to bring their own games as well!
- Group Cooperatives and competitions are organized over discord.
Club Officers
Club Founder/President: Brian Reichert blreichert@student.cmccd.edu
Club Advisor: Kai Schott
Vice President: Jacob Mock
Treasurer: William Vance
Secretary: Zack Clark
Military Support And Services Club
CMC supports those who have served and welcomes you to do the same. Come to the Military Support and Services Club to show off your support today.
When: TBD
Where: TBD
Club President: Mel Irons
Club Advisor: Marissa Salomon
Phi Theta Kappa: Beta Rho Pi
Pride Club
Pride Club is a space for all students — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity — to learn about labels, issues, and history in the queer community.
Pride Club offers support for all queer members and creates opportunities for our voices to be heard.
In Fall 2022, Pride Club connected with Arts + Crafts Club and ASL Club for a charity bake sale. Thanks to the faculty and students on campus, we raised over $150 for the Trevor Project! Pride Club has also attended the Palm Springs Pride Parade with support from the college and created many lasting memories. CMC has also joined a list of colleges who host Lavender Graduation -an event meant to celebrate the accomplishments of the queer graduates here.
Pride Club has partnered with Student Life many times now to host events with local queer artists. The success of past events, partnered with the encouragement of the school, has led to growth and stability in our club. This combination has made it possible for the Safe Zone project to start here; a project that allows opportunities for faculty and staff to become the best allythat they can be to our community here! We look forward to furthering progress at CMC, and making many more memories for Pride members in the future.
President : Mari Hohlfeld
Pride Club Advisor :Jessica Anguiano
Vice President: Reed Dunphy
Treasurer: William Vance
Secretary: Lisa Hohlfeld
Ambassador: Jackson LeeWhen: Fridays 3-4 pm
Where: Room 102
Email: prideclub@ascmc.cmccd.edu
Student Government – ASCMC
The Associated Student Government of Copper Mountain College endeavors to reflect and represent the undergraduate opinion, to help organize and coordinate programs of co-curricular and extracurricular nature, to cooperate effectively with the faculty and administration in the areas of common interest to all as a college community.
The current ASCMC officers are:
President: Raechel Morrissett
Vice President: Nayeli Liera
Secretary: Jadyn Bauer
Treasurer: Vacant
Ambassadors: Vacant
Senator: Sean Carter
Senator: Kianna Day
Senator: Mercy Magda