At CMC, your tuition and payment methods will reflect the classes you took. We’re happy to work with you to figure out tuition and payment plans so you can get the most out of CMC.

Enrollment fees are calculated on 15 units: Resident = $46 per unit/Non-resident = $460 per unit ($46+ $414). Institutional fee = $10 per academic year ($5 for fall and $5 for spring)

Cost of Attendance for 2024 – 2025

The cost of attendance at Copper Mountain College includes tuition and estimates of other expenses (books, housing, transportation, etc.). It offers an approximate total of what full-time students who qualify for California resident tuition spend during a year.

Since students who aren’t receiving support from their parents tend to spend more, we offer estimated costs for both independent and dependent students.

Independent Student Cost of Attendance

Estimated costs for students who don’t receive parental support:

Expense TypeEstimated Annual Total
California resident tuition*$2,080
Housing and food$17,784
*Non-residents also pay out-of-state tuition fees of $378 per credit. 

Dependent Student Cost of Attendance

Estimated costs for students who receive parental support:

Expense TypeEstimated Annual Total
California resident tuition*$2,080
Housing and food$9,360
*Non-residents also pay out-of-state tuition fees of $378 per credit. 

Making Payments

You have two options for paying your college bills:

  1. Make a single payment for your term balance
  2. Enroll in a payment plan and make five separate payments—see more info below

You can make payments from your bank account or use a credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express).

There are two methods of making a payment:

First method:

  1. Log into MyCMC
  2. Go to Student Self Service
  3. Select “Accounts and Payments”

Second method:

Make a payment through our online directly to our online payment system.

Payment Plan Options

Payment plans let you pay your term balance in five separate payments. They make it easy to plan, budget, and pay your bills on time, with no interest and no surprises.

Students and other authorized users can enroll in a plan and make payments directly from a bank account or via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.

All plans have a $25 enrollment fee. To get started, log into MyCMC. For payment plan support, call 833.269.3675.

Refund Policy

Requests for refunds are accepted at the Cashier’s Office until the deadline indicated in the class schedule. Refunds must be requested, they are not issued automatically.

If a student is receiving Title IV financial aid and withdraws from all classes, a return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation will be performed in keeping with federal regulation. If the student is entitled to receive additional funds, a letter will be sent to the student by the college to advise them of the amount of aid and to ask if he or she would like to receive it or decline it. Frequently the R2T4 calculation will require the student to repay a portion of the federal grants he or she received. Federal work study earnings never need to be repaid.

The school’s refund policy for both scholarships and for Cal Grant is the same. The number of units enrolled in at the time of disbursement determines the award amount. If the recipient is eligible for payment at the time of disbursement, but subsequently drops below the required number of units, the recipient remains eligible for the entire payment.

When the college cancels a class, refunds will be issued upon request from the student. When the college makes a time change in a class which prevents the student from attending, the student must drop the course and request a refund. Deadline dates for dropping courses and submitting refund applications as stated in the schedule of classes must be met.

Please read carefully, not all fees are refundable.

Enrollment fees are refundable if a class is dropped on or before the “last day to drop and be eligible for a refund.”  This is at the end of the second week of class for full semester classes. Refund dates for classes less than a semester in length are provided in the class schedule and on the CMC website.

Non-resident fees are refundable for a reduction of program or for a complete withdrawal providing the student files for refund before the refund deadline.

See the current class schedule or the CMC website for the deadline to drop to be eligible for a refund, and deadline to request a refund.

1098-Ts are available electronically!

Please note, we only provide an electronic 1098-T:
Please contact your tax advisor if you have questions.

To Retrieve Your 1098-T Electronically:

Please contact the Business Office if you are unable to print an electronic copy and they can assist you: 760.366.3791

If you already created an account in the past, you do not need to create another account.


See some common questions about payment and payment plans.

Financial AId

Apply for aid, manage your money, and find help with all your financial aid questions.

Copper Mountain Promise

Get no-cost tuition available to qualifying students enrolled in 12 units or more.


Discover need and merit-based awards and learn how to apply for scholarships.

Contact the Cashier’s Office

Cashier’s Office

300 Quad 
6162 Rotary Way 
P.O. Box 1398 
Joshua Tree, CA 92252 

Phone: 760.366.5201, ext. 5312

Payment plan support: 833.269.3675

Office hours by appointment only