Welcome to Area 62
Area 62 Podcast Seeks Desert Personalities to Join Podcast as Guests
Are you a desert author, musician, documentarian, historian, artist, activist or a creative creator who can’t be pinned down? Are you a skinwalker with a persecution complex? A chupacabra trainer? A misunderstood shape-shifting reptilian? A prospector who actually found Pegleg Smith’s lost gold?
If so, we want to hear from you if you’d like to talk story with our hosts on Area 62.
While Area 62 is based here in Joshua Tree, beaming from our headquarters at Copper Mountain College, home of the Fighting Cacti, we welcome guests from across the California deserts (both Mojave and Colorado, and even a bit o’ Great Basin), and beyond.
Area 62 Podcast Seeks Desert Music to Feature
Area 62 is all about the desert and featuring the creative spirit of the desert. The podcast is seeking original music from desert songwriters and performers that can be featured on the show.
On Apple Podcast (transcript available)
On Amazon Music/Audibles

On Spotify
On iHeartRadio
On Art19

EPISODE 1: Welcome to Area 62 and The Cacti Chronicles Crew
Learn what is planned for Area 62, and meet the students who are editorial contributors to CMC’s newspaper, the Cacti Chronicles.
You’ll meet Jeremy “JROD” Quinones-Licea, student reporter and host of the weekly News from the Mountain radio show on KCDZ-FM, Z-107.7; Cacti Chronicles cartoonist, Ethan Ocampo; and, Cacti Chronicles student reporter (and VP of ASCMC), Nayeli Tzitlali Liera. Hear their stories and get to know the Cacti Chronicles Crew!
Episode 2: Singer/Songwriter – and Undertaker – Shawn Mafia
Meet one of the hi-desert’s most talented and versatile singer/songwriters, Shawn Mafia, accompanied by Big Dave Johnson, the Desert Yeti. Enjoy the bonus Tiny Cactus Concert on video!

Episode 3 & 4: Scrappers, Range Runners, and Unsolved Mojave Murders – Area 62 Interviews Desert Journalist and Filmmaker, Michael DiGregorio
Area 62’s JRod and Nayeli from Copper Mountain College in Joshua Tree, interview desert journalist and filmmaker, Michael DiGregorio and talk about his experience reporting on the scrapper and range runner community down near Niland on the Salton Sea, as well as his journalistic background, his start with Larry Flynt and Hustler, and his latest project on unsolved murders of the Mojave Desert. Music for part one of this episode of Area 62 is from Matt Ellis.

Episode 5: Infinite Dreams – Phil Bosua and AI
Area 62’s Nayeli and JRod/Jeremy from Copper Mountain College in Joshua Tree, interview Phil Bosua, entrepreneur and visionary AI explorer on his journey with AI and the truth about AI and our future. Music featured in this episode is by Phil Bosua.