What Can You Do With a CSU General Education Certificate?
Finish your gen ed requirements at Copper Mountain College and transfer to a CSU with CMC’s Certificate of Achievement in CSU General Education. Advantages of taking your GE courses and transferring to a CSU include:
- Earning your degree quicker
- Improving your school/life balance
- Finding new career interests
- Having flexible class choices
- Improving core skills like research and critical thinking
Prepare for Your Future
One of the benefits of attending a community college is that you can prepare for your future by taking your general GE requirements before transferring to a CSU. During this time, you’re free to explore different disciplines, like science or art, while you take your gen ed courses. As all your classes are introductory courses, you can get a taste of what’s in store while keeping your options open. This allows you to put all your energy on your major courses and on your future career that you prepared for.
Build Your Skills & Knowledge
It’s more than what you learn — it’s the skills you develop over your time at CMC. General education improves your skills, such as research and critical thinking. This knowledge is invaluable to you as a student and build your skills and knowledge. The classes you take are focused on developing those fundamental skills so when you transfer to a CSU you can work on your projects with confidence. Plus, with your GE courses out of the way, you’ll have taken a bit of everything, giving you a baseline knowledge of every field, giving you a chance to build on what you know.
General Education (CSU) Cert.: What to Expect
Completion Requirements
- 39 units of GE courses
- Must complete with a “C” or higher in all required courses
- Minimum of a 2.0 GPA
Required Courses
General Education (GE) CSU-GE Breadth | 39.00:
English Language Communication & Critical Thinking Courses | 9.00
Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning Courses | 9.00
Arts & Humanities | 9.00
Social & Behavioral Sciences | 6.00
Life-Long Learning and Self-Development | 3.00
Ethnic Studies | 3.00
CSU Graduation Requirements
U.S. History & American Institutions | 6.00
What You Learn
- Argue your position clearly with correct citations and sources.
- Read, analyze, discuss, and evaluate written work and sources.
- Present data in a number of ways.
- Use the scientific method to study how the world works.
- Understand how people react in their society and social subgroups.
- Learn and develop respect for different cultures, art, and others.