Copper Mountain College will resume offering in-person classes in addition to maintaining many online offerings…

Beginning Monday, August 16th, enrolled students can go to the Bookstore, located in the 300 Quad, with their student ID and proof of registration and start shopping. Once the student has their books and supplies for the semester, the bookstore staff will issue the student a credit of up to $500 for their purchase.
Through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF – Federal COVID Funding), CMC is able to offer all students this assistance for purchasing books and supplies through the CMC Bookstore.
Jane Abell, Vice President of Student Services, shared, “We are very excited to be offering this much-needed support for our students. Providing a resource such as a book grant to help students pay for necessary educational materials will hopefully help alleviate some of the worries associated with expenses during these trying times, and help students on their journey to successfully completing their educational goals.”
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Barger, Store Manager, at or call the College at 760.366.3791.